Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Cell Phones

Where would this world be without cell phones? Lets get a little more focused on a certain issue, would we tell as many lies if we did not have cell phones. Talking about the most common lie that is always told on a cell phone, "I am on my way". How many of us have said that lie? I know all of us have. It is so much easier to say then your exact location and what you are doing right at that moment. Would we lie that much if we did not have the ability to text someone all the time? My opinion is no we would not. This is not the only lie that we tell though. We can lie all the time over a text because we most likely will not have to see that person right away when we do lie. I know for me if I did not have a cell phone there would not be as many lies that I have told in my history. It is so much easier to lie with a text then in person. I want you to think about that next time you want to lie in a text for someone. It may be easy, but is it really worth taking the easy way out all the time. The answer is no. Just tell the truth it will be worth it in the end. Use your cell phone for a positive aspect of your life, not just to lie.

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